Thursday, July 5, 2007

Package 2- Genetically Modified (GM) Food

What is GM food?

GM food stands for Genetically Modified Food. It is the altering of the genetic make-up of a living organisms/food by using a particular method to transfer one or more genes from one organism to another. Usually, through this process, the nutrient value, yield or resistant against pest of the crops will increase. Thereby, increasing the food supply.

Definition of genes:
Genes are the instruction code for all characteristics that are inherited from one generation to the next and are found in nucleus in every cell in every living organism.

Difference between GM and biotechnology:
Genetically Modified Process is different from biotechnology. Genetically Modified Process involves the altering of genes whereas biotechnology makes use of the natural process/products of living things for medical, industrial and environmental.

Example of GM food:
· Tomatoes --> modified to ripen slowly to improve flavour and shelf life.
· Soybeans --> modified to resist herbicide to improve crop yields.
· Canola Oil --> modified to have a higher content of monounsaturated fatty acids, which is healthier.
· Rice --> modified to produce beta-carotene to prevent vitamin A deficiency in developing countries.

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